Three Year Olds Preschool
"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world."
Nelson Mandela
Preschool and Nursery School In Holmdel, Lincroft, Middletown, Hazlet, Matawan, Aberdeen, NJ, and Surrounding Areas
Pre School & Nursery School = Learning + Childcare at Holmdel Preschool
Passing from toddler to preschool age, children are developing many skills in different areas. You’ll notice that your three-year-old is becoming more adept at the gross and fine motor skills they developed as two-year-olds, as well as learning and practicing new skills. Your child will start learning and discovering new things about the world around them. They start experimenting with new ways to perform familiar tasks and activities. Three-year-olds become more verbal and expressive. Their comprehension of verbal instruction increases. This is a transitional time for your child, as they become more independent.
Holmdel Preschool works with you and your child to begin a seamless and successful transition towards school. We follow the The Creative Curriculum® designed to prepare your child for what lies ahead, teaching the skills they’ll need and helping them discover new ways to apply these skills. Our philosophy is to assist the children to develop the ability to think, we don’t give them answers, we help them find the answers. We do this using the 4 C’s skills: critical thinking, creativity, collaboration and communication.
This philosophy includes:
- Using ‘I’ or ‘me’ when referring to self
- Expanding length of sentences
- Increased vocabulary
- Uses words to get attention
- Talking to other children
- Interacting with other children as well as adults
- Role Playing
- Use creativity and imagination
- Taking turns with other children
- Acquire problem solving skills
- Use planning skills
- Improving thinking skills
- Observe, inquire and discover
- Use creativity and imagination
- Classification and association
- Reasoning
- Recall sequence
- Recognize, duplicate and expand patterns
- Understand cause and effect
- Balancing on one foot
- Continued physical activity including walking, running, jumping, climbing, balance, & strength
- Fine Motor Skills by coloring, beading, legos, & drawing

3 Year Old Milestones Include:
Gross Motor Skills
- Increased coordination while walking and running (less tripping)
- Hopping, jumping and standing on one foot
- Walking backwards and climbing stairs w/ one foot after the other
- Kicking and throwing a small ball; catching a bigger ball most of the time
- Climbing
- Beginning to pedal a tricycle or bike
Fine Motor Skills
- Drawing a circle with a crayon, pencil or a marker
- Playing with toys that have small moving parts and buttons
- Turning pages one at a time
- Building with Mega Blocks, creating towers of six or more blocks
- Operating door handles and twist-on bottle tops
- Name the 8 colors in a crayon box (black, brown, purple, orange, green, blue, yellow, red)
- Reciting numbers 1 through 10, starts counting groups of things
- Starts to understand different times of the day and days of the week
- Remembers and re-tells favorite stories
- Comprehends and discusses things that are the “same” and “different”
- Follows simple three-step directions (“wash your face, brush your teeth and put on your pajamas.”)
- Using basic rules of grammar but not totally understanding grammatical rules
- Speaks well enough that most strangers can understand what they’re saying
- Uses a group of words in a sentence and begins to have two- to three-sentence conversations
- Can tell you their name, a friend’s name and the names of most objects
- Understands words that describe location, such as in, out, on, behind and on top
- Asks the “what, where, when and why” questions to learn more
- Being hesitantly interested about new experiences and places
- Playful engagement with rather than by other children
- Comforts and shows compassion for sad friends without being told to do so
- Takes turns while playing
- Mimics real-life during playtime
- Starts using simple ways to solve disagreements
- Shows a variety of emotions…may not name them
Committed to Care & Learning
Our before-and-after school childcare is available from 7am to 7pm for all children attending Holmdel Preschool. For parents who want or need extra time for their children outside of the class, we offer a familiar surrounding with familiar adults. Each new day represents a new opportunity for self-discovery, new learning, confidence building and celebrating success. At Holmdel Preschool, each tomorrow becomes the best day ever!