Our Mission

Childhood is like a mirror, which reflects in afterlife the images first presented to it. The first thing continues forever with the child. The first joy, the first sorrow, the first success, the first failure, the first achievement, the first misadventure, paint the foreground of his life.

Samuel Smiles, Author

Celebrating Childhood

Childhood is a time of firsts, a time when every experience is new and exciting. Our lives are formed by first experiences, both good and bad. When we provide a child with positive experiences, caring relationships and education at an early age it becomes a foundation upon which a wonderful life can be built. At Holmdel Preschool, we work hard to develop long-term relationships with families by providing a continuum of quality care from infancy through school age. We create a sense of security that makes it possible for children to thrive and excel. Life as a child is a time of unlimited discovery and Holmdel Preschool loves offering a world of learning opportunities for your child.
Childcare in Hazlet, Matawan, Middletown, NJ, Aberdeen, NJ, Lincroft, Holmdel and Nearby Cities

We Make Learning Fun!

Make an experience fun for children and they’ll want to revisit it time and time again. At Holmdel Preschool, we focus on providing an encouraging and challenging experience as a child steps through each skill level. We use playtime to help children learn skills, making it fun for them to analyze problems and negotiate towards solutions. They learn communication skills through social conversation, as well as fundamental social skills.
Above and beyond every other consideration, your child is encouraged to be a child! We give them opportunities to explore and discover a world full of sights, sounds, smells, textures and tastes.

Teaching Children to Love Themselves

The professional staff of Holmdel Preschool models, guides, listens and responds to children in a way that teaches them to feel good about who they are. By doing so, we also give them a living example of how to relate to other people and objects in their world. This interaction promotes independence that results in a more complex use of their skills and supports and enhances further learning. Our goal is to give children the most valuable gift possible: a positive sense of self-worth, fostering each individual’s abilities. Children develop a genuine desire to relate positively with others and a strong interest in learning.

Care Designed with Your Child in Mind

Holmdel Preschool offers a variety of programs for age-appropriate care and education; each designed to meet the developmental needs of children where they are. We provide learning environments for:
  • Infants / Toddlers
  • Two Year Olds
  • Nursery & Preschoolers
  • Pre-kindergarteners
  • Kindergarten
  • Camp

Our Learning Environments include:

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