"Better than a thousand days of diligent study is one day with a great teacher."
Japanese Proverb
Kindergarten In Holmdel, NJ, near Aberdeen, Hazlet, Lincroft, Matawan, Middletown, NJ, and Surrounding Areas
Kindergarten at Holmdel Preschool
Hoping, skipping, jumping, and dancing: kindergarteners are VERY active. As opportunities for social interaction increase, so do the different ways they play together. You’ll notice an increase in silly joke telling, as well as playing with language. Kindergartners start to understand the difference between right and wrong and they often will be critical of those who fail to follow the rules. Five-year-olds begin to take ‘ownership’ of their friends and become territorial. It’s a great time for your child and Holmdel Preschool helps them take advantage of all their new experiences. Five-year-olds achieve a host of milestones.
Through our progressive kindergarten program your child will further their cognitive, socio-emotional and physical development. We provide independent exploration, learning centers, texts and workbooks, creative learning experiences and special activities for kindergarteners. They are given opportunities to grow in responsibility and assume roles as leaders, observers, and contributors.
We work within our philosophy of the 4 C’s: critical thinking, creativity, collaboration and communication, by assisting children in finding answers, not by giving it to them. They are provided with a reading program in sequential manner, develop math skills and concepts through meaningful experiences with concrete objects, pictures, and the use of math symbols within the guidelines of The Creative Curriculum®. They are given opportunities for freedom of expression through our art program, book making center, science and experiment center.
Our developmental focus areas include:
- Sound/symbol correspondence
- Phonics
- Poetry
- Listening comprehension
- Sight words
- Mathematical operations – addition and subtraction
- Sorting, Patterning, Graphing, Estimation, Ordering, Making comparisons
- Simple fractions
- Geometry
- Telling time
- Fractions
- Place Value
- Measurements
- Word problems
- The world around Us
- Current events
- Multi Generational events
- Cultural Diversity
- Life Science
- Earth Science
- Physical Science
- Indoor and outdoor physical activities designed for their age group.
- Writing skills
- Coordination

Typical 5 Year Old Milestones
- Walks on tiptoes and heel-to-toe on balance beams
- Jumps rope and pumps legs to swing alone
- Stands and hops on either foot
- Catches softball-sized ball
- Increased agility
- Displays ‘hand dominance’ (using one hand more than the other)
- Uses tripod grip to hold pencil (two fingers and a thumb)
- Uses scissors to cut out basic shapes, MAY be able to cut a straight line
- Uses a fork, spoon and knife easily
- Can wipe and wash after using the bathroom
- Recognize and name colors and basic shapes
- Know the letters of the alphabet and letter sounds
- Recite their name, address & phone number
- Understands basic print concepts (words left to right, top to bottom)
- Knows stories have a beginning, middle and end
- Counts groups of objects up to 10 and recite numbers to 20
- Sticks with an activity for 15 minutes, will finish short projects
- Makes plans concerning how to play, what to build and/or what to draw
- Uses words to argue and reason with people (uses the word ‘because’ often)
- Uses most plural words, pronouns and tenses correctly
- Tell stories, jokes and riddles: might ‘get’ simple puns
- Uses language to talk about opposites and compare things (“Those red shoes are fancier than the blue ones.”)
- Talks about things to come as well as things in the past
- Follows simple multi-step directions
Before & Aftercare
Holmdel Preschool realizes the needs working parents and their children. Our schedule and curriculum are designed with these needs in mind. Before-and-aftercare is available from 7am to 7pm for all children and we look forward to helping your kindergartener prepare for a successful tomorrow by preparing today!